Liu, Burridge and Sinclair (2002) examined the relationship between economic growth, foreign direct investment and trade in China. The study found long run relationship between the variables and a bidirectional causality between economic growth, trade and foreign direct investment. In other stimulating study, Weisbrot and Baker (2003) argued that trade may not be the only key to rapid economic growth and development. They noted that the success of some countries that experienced accelerated growth did not follow simple path to trade liberalization because the government directs the economy through the use of subsidies. Ajayi (2003) reports that the removal of barriers to trade has increased the flow of trade by 16 percent fold in the last 50 years, with the world exports of goods and services almost tripled in real terms between 1970 and year 2000.
The study examined the deposit money bank loans and agricultural sector performance in Nigeria...
An ethnobotanical survey was conducted from December 2011 to April 2012 in Minna, Niger State, Nigeria. The survey was aimed at...
Non-communicable diseases are the leading cause of death and the main issue in modern and future public health worldwide....
Shelving library materials is a proven method of ensuring that books and other...
Aladumo International Schools is using a complete automated system for all of its banking sections includin...
The study investigated the effect of field trip method on student achievement in dekiwa local governm...
This research investigates the influence of corporate culture on financial reporting practice...
ABSTRACT: The impact of early childhood education on language skills is vi...
This research study was designed to identify various factors militating against the effectiveness of teachers i...
Background of the study
In recent years, the proliferation of information and communication technologie...